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  • Writer's picturebeizi

It's the New Moon

Updated: Feb 17, 2019

It's the New Moon. They say that one should be making new resolutions and I say, I will make a blog about my business, this new fledgling that is ready to fly. I've been dying inside to talk to my potential clients (read: good partners I have not met) as well as let people have a chance to know me, the person representing their baby (read: #film). So I made this blog. And a cute little #favicon for NFG.

Today is a day of Destruction and Renewal, literally. My grandma just got cremated, I had news that my Airbnb guest is leaving earlier than his planned departure, I received devastating news that I thought had ruined my finances and reputation forever. Inside I felt like bursting into tears, but I persevered and told myself, you are stronger than this.

So here I am. In the midst of destruction, there is always Creation. There is always hope. That's me. I know the Universe is out there to help me and all the filmmakers I want to help. I want to let people know how wonderful the Norwegian documentaries I love are #IntheNameof #Childhood #BecomingaCitizen #ArcticSuperstar, and that #ConnectionHouse is the funniest comedy I've seen. #TheComet reminds me of my own relationship with my inner child and my father - I remember the wonder of the Universe when I looked up at the sky and wonder what's out there.

So Universe, the Source of all that is, this tiny speck of Stardust is asking for your help in renewal. Thank you so much for destructing this day so that I can build anew. Amen.

New Moon

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